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The Journey

The glory of God is all around us. You can find it in the clouds above, in the trees around you, in a parent’s gentle touch, in fact it’s even in your salvation. But it’s greater than all of these combined. Jesus knew life was about His Father being glorified and He consistently cried out, “Father, glorify thy name” (John 12:28).

Unfortunately, many people today believe that we are the center of God’s attention, that we are what God lives for, and therefore, “Life is all about Us!” This perspective drives us to always look out for good old number one and as a result, the glory of God takes second place (at best).

It is therefore UnveilinGlory’s mission to Unveil God’s Glory in all areas of life and to all peoples of the world. As a result we have developed a series of messages to make us start thinking and living for God and His glory.

Please join us in this Journey to reveal God’s glory in your personal life, in your church and among the nations.

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